Health care quality is defined as the degree to which health services meet the needs, expectations and standards of care of the patients, families and other beneficiaries. It is multi-faceted and gives different meanings to different stakeholders such as the government, service providers, hospital administrators, patients, [1]payers, relatives of patients political and community leaders, delivery organizations and regulatory bodies. Quality can be divided into four main dimensions; Functional Quality, Technical Quality, Administrative Quality and Environment Quality. Functional Quality is the interaction between service provider and a customer during service production, distribution and consumption. Technical Quality is the technical care refers to the application of medical science and technology to health care or how well diagnostic and therapeutic processes are applied during patient care. Administrative Quality is the link between quality and hospital organizational structure; organizational culture; management processes; and internal & external environment. Environment quality is the atmosphere which consists of both intangibles such as the pleasantness of the environment and tangibles which are the design, function, layout and signs found in the environment [2].