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Original Article | Volume 4 Issue 4 (Oct-Dec, 2024) | Pages 1 - 13
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): Pathophysiology, Management, and Future Perspectives
Department of Pharmacy, Suyash Institute of Pharmacy, Hakkabad, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
Sept. 15, 2024
Oct. 24, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema) is an acute and life threatening condition seen in patients with pneumonitis (inflammation of lung tissue) causing respiratory failure. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is defined by its acute onset, persistent hypoxemia, and pulmonary infiltrates from a direct or indirect lung injury. This review outlines the pathophysiological basis of the syndrome, including the inflammation, the damage to the alveolar-capillary membrane, the role of cytokines and the progression through the exudative, proliferative, and fibrotic phases. The review also addresses risk factors including pneumonia, sepsis, trauma, and hereditary susceptibility. The review goes in more detail about the diagnostic criteria with emphasis on the Berlin definition and diagnostic modalities including imaging and blood gas analysis. It reviews current management, focusing on positive pressure ventilation, invasive ventilation, exhaust ventilation system, the use of medication and ECMO. We discuss the possible sequalae of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), such as chronic lung disease, multi-organ failure and psychiatric sequalae. Finally, the prognosis is outlined and future perspectives are discussed, including precision medicine, stem cell therapies, and electronic communication or robotization in ARDS management. These lines attempt to provide broad information on ARDS as well as perspectives for future therapeutic approaches.


Definition of ARDS:
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS),noncardiogenic pulmonary edema form of critical situation characterized by short incubation period of  respiratory failure caused by pneumonities of  lungs. This is responsible for pulmonary edema which impairs oxygen interchange and causes severe hypoxemia. The hallmark features of ARDS include refractory hypoxemia, synergistic intrude on chest visualize, and the pulmonary hypertension as a primary reason and starting point of lung congestion (1).


Epidemiology of ARDS:
ARDS affects a significant proportion in a life threatening condition of people  with an evaluation incidence rate of 10 to 15% among suffering people are in  ICUs, critical care unit According to large-scale epidemiological research ARDS occurs around 190,000 stoical peoples of United States, each year and 35% to 45% peoples are die. (2). Globally, the burden of ARDS is substantial, affecting patients across all age groups, though older individuals and those with comorbid conditions are at higher risk. The condition contributes significantly to the overall morbidity and mortality in critically ill populations worldwide (3).


Importance of timely Identification and treatment:
timely , annual recognition , identity also intervention is sensorious ameliorate upshot in Adult respiratory distress syndrome suffering people. Delayed diagnosis responsible for soaring mortality ration because of  rapid disease progression and the onset of complications such as multi-organ failure (4). Early diagnostic criteria, according to Berlin research on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome enable clinicians  promptly identification of syndrome and initiate supportive therapies, which are crucial in minimizing lung injury and improving oxygenation. Timely intervention with mechanical ventilation strategies, prone positioning, and pharmacological treatments has help ARDS patients and give healing of  patients  and decrease long-term  Obstacle  of ARDS survivors (5).


  1. Pathophysiology of ARDS

Inflammatory Mechanisms:
The pathogenesis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) driven through intense swelling ,which leads to widespread lung damage. When the lungs encounter an initial injury—whether from a direct insult such as pneumonia or an indirect cause like sepsis—an inflammatory cascade is triggered. Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, rapidly migrate to the site of injury, releasing proteases, reactive oxygen species, and inflammatory mediators such as cytokines (6). They neoplasm responsible for alveolar capillary barrier damages, enhance cardiorespiratory porous  and resulting in the  dripping of Exudate fluid in alveolar spaces (7).


The blood gas barrier is injured:
The alveolar-capillary membrane plays a important task in both oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange In ARDS, this membrane becomes severely damaged due to inflammatory processes. The increased permeability of the capillaries allows fluid to flood the alveoli, causing pulmonary edema. This accumulation of fluid disrupts normal gas exchange, leading to refractory hypoxemia (8). Additionally, the collapse of alveoli (atelectasis) further impairs lung function, reducing the lung’s responsible for converting deoxygenated blood into oxygenated blood and remove carbon dioxide , which is characteristic of ARDS.


Role of Cytokines and Inflammatory Mediators:
Cytokines, particularly tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), are key inflammatory mediators involved in ARDS. These components responsible for amplify inflammatory reaction, recruit  maximum immunocyest on area of lung injury and exacerbating tissue damage. Inflammation in ARDS is systemic, often leading to multi-organ dysfunction (9). The excessive cytokine release, known as a "cytokine storm," is a hallmark of severe ARDS and is linked to worse clinical outcomes. Controlling cytokine activity is one of the therapeutic goals in ARDS management.


Stages of ARDS (Exudative, Proliferative, and Fibrotic Stages):
ARDS progresses through three overlapping stages: exudative phase, proliferative phase and the fibrotic phase.

  1. Exudative Stage: The  initial stage characterized under starting seven day's of the ARDS, and is marked by widespread inflammation with buildup of protein-rich fluid in the microscopic air sacs in the lung leading to severe hypoxemia (10).   The endothelial and epithelial tissue of the lung is Damage is predominant during this stage, resulting in pulmonary edema.
  2. Proliferative Stage: Beginning approximately 7 to 10 days after the marked of onset of ARDS, the proliferative phase is occur  through repair of damaged alveolar cells. Type II pneumocytes proliferate, replacing damaged type I cells, and the edema begins to resolve. However, persistent inflammation continues, and some patients progress to fibrosis (11).
  3. Fibrotic Stage: In severe or prolonged cases of ARDS, the fibrotic stage may develop, leading to irreversible scarring of the lung tissue. This fibrosis can cause long-term impairments in lung function, resulting in chronic respiratory failure and reduced quality of life for survivors (12).


  1. Risk Factors for ARDS

Direct Lung Injuries:
ARDS often results from direct insults to the lungs, such as pneumonia and aspiration. Pneumonia, both viral and bacterial, is a major cause of ARDS, as the infection stimulate the acute neoplasmic  feedback that harm the alveoli and capillary membranes, that cause  edema  and hypoxemia & hypercapnia (13). Aspiration, another significant risk factor, occurs when foreign substances such as gastric contents enter the lungs, causing inflammation, injury to the lung tissue, and an increased risk of developing ARDS (14). Other direct injuries include inhalation of toxic fumes, smoke, and near-drowning events.


Indirect Lung Injuries:
In addition to direct lung damage, ARDS can develop as a result of systemic inflammatory responses triggered by indirect injuries. Sepsis is   indirect genesis of ARDS. The widespread inflammation caused by sepsis affects multiple organs, including the lungs, leading to increased capillary permeability and pulmonary edema (15). Trauma, such as severe head or chest injuries, can also initiate a systemic inflammatory response that damages the lungs indirectly. In these cases, ARDS may develop as a secondary complication to the initial injury.


Genetic Predisposition:
While environmental and clinical factors are major contributors to ARDS, this is growing proof that genetic predisposition take on in the susceptibility to the syndrome. Certain genetic variations have been associated to enhance possibility of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome in response to lung injuries. Polymorphisms in genes that regulate inflammation, immune response, and lung repair processes, such as those coding for surfactant proteins and cytokines, may influence an individual's likelihood of developing ARDS and their outcomes (16). Although , ahead study are required to proper acknowledge of the genetic components involved.


Co-morbidities and Their Role in ARDS Development:
Patients with underlying comorbidities  that paly a crucial role  for  dangerous and unsafe in the condition of ARDS. the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the interstitial lung disease,are the chronic lung disease and interstitial lung disease, compromise lung purpose, making patients more susceptible to acute respiratory failure when exposed to triggering events like pneumonia or sepsis (17). Additionally, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity have been correlated to  stimulate development of ARDS because of their contributions to systemic inflammation and reduced physiological reserves. Older age and immune-suppressed conditions, such as HIV or post-organ transplantation, also increase susceptibility to ARDS.

  1. Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis

Symptoms of ARDS:
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) typically occurs with a rapid onset of pulmonary symptoms. General symptoms of ARDS  include dyspnea , tachypnea  and hypoxemia .These symptoms often occur within hours to a few days following an acute injury or illness, such as pneumonia, sepsis, or trauma (18). The rapid deterioration in respiratory function is a hallmark of ARDS, with patients experiencing severe difficulty in breathing and oxygenation despite supplemental oxygen. Other signs may include cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin due to poor oxygenation), confusion, and a rapid heart rate as the body struggles to compensate for the lack of oxygen (19).


Berlin Criteria for ARDS Diagnosis:
The Berlin criteria are the current standard for diagnosing ARDS, introduced in 2012 to replace previous definitions. According to these criteria, ARDS is classified into three groups bas d on the severity of lack of oxygen: light, average , and critical. The diagnostic criteria  that include  following:

  1. severe onset under 7 days marked 1 week of a known clinical insult or new/intensify pulmonary
  2. Bipennate illegibility on the breastplate picture (bosom X-ray / computed chemotherapy scan) that cannot be proper expressed through onflow, lobar collapse, or lung nodules.
  3. Respiratory failure not explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload.
  4. PaO₂/FiO₂ ratio (the ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen) indicating the severity of ARDS: mild (200-300 mmHg), moderate (100-200 mmHg), and severe (<100 mmHg) (20). These criteria help clinicians standardize the diagnosis and stratify patients based on the severity of their condition.


Imaging Findings:
Chest imaging plays a crucial role in diagnosing ARDS. A chest X-ray is often the first imaging modality used, revealing diffuse bilateral infiltrates that reflect fluid accumulation in the lungs. These infiltrates appear as cloudy or white areas on the X-ray, indicating impaired gas exchange. However, chest X-rays may not provide sufficient detail in some cases, particularly in the early stages of ARDS (21). Computed tomography (CT) scans offer a more detailed view of the lungs and can help identify additional complications, such as pneumothorax or consolidation. CT scans typically show widespread ground-glass opacities and areas of lung consolidation, consistent with the inflammatory and fibrotic changes associated with ARDS.


Blood Gas Analysis and Other Biomarkers:
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is critical for assessing the severity of hypoxemia in ARDS patients. A hallmark finding is a decrease in PaO₂, indicating impaired oxygen exchange. Additionally, blood gas analysis may reveal respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation in the early stages, followed by respiratory acidosis as the condition worsens and carbon dioxide builds up (22). In recent years, research has explored the role of various biomarkers in ARDS diagnosis and prognosis, including surfactant proteins, cytokines, and endothelial injury markers. Elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines like IL-6 and IL-8 are commonly found in ARDS patients, reflecting the underlying inflammatory process (23). These biomarkers may help improve early diagnosis and guide personalized treatment strategies.


Differential Diagnosis:
It is essential to distinguish ARDS from other respiratory conditions that may present with similar symptoms. Conditions such as cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage can mimic ARDS but have different underlying causes and treatment strategies. For example, cardiogenic pulmonary edema is primarily caused by heart failure, leading to fluid buildup in the lungs. In contrast, ARDS results from non-cardiogenic causes and involves increased vascular permeability in the lungs. Clinical history, echocardiography, and careful assessment of hemodynamic status are crucial in differentiating between these conditions (24).

  1. Current Management Strategies for ARDS

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is one of the clinical syndromes that require a multifaceted management with the main objectives of improving oxygenation, mitigating lung injury, and treating the underlying causes. Management strategies include mechanical ventilation, pharmacological and life-support strategies such as ECMO.


5.1 Mechanical Ventilation

Protective Lung Ventilation Strategies:
One key element of ARDS management is mechanical ventilation. The aim is to employ lung-protective strategies to reduce excess ventilator-induced lung injury. Low tidal volumes (6 mL/kg of predicted body weight) should be used to avoid distension of the alveoli, a frequent cause of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) (25). By keeping lower pressures in the lungs, low tidal volume ventilation decreases the likelihood of barotrauma and volutrauma. We are in favor of this strategy because it gives better survival in patients with ARDS.

Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP):
A vital feature of mechanical ventilation in patients with ARDS is PEEP. PEEP helps to recruit the alveoli and keep them from collapsing at the end of expiration, therefore improving oxygenation and reducing the shunt effect (26). PEEP needs to be titrated accordingly to avoid pulmonary over distension and hemodynamic instability.

Prone Positioning to Improve Oxygenation:
Position in economy, turning patients onto their stomachs, been populary demonstrated to markedly end result oxygenation in patients with ARDS. Such positioning promotes greater ventilation-perfusion matching, less compression of the lungs by the heart and abdominal organs, and more uniform distribution of ventilation. The benefit of prone positioning over supine is greater in severe ARDS and is likely to improve survival if applied early and maintained for long periods of time (27).


High-Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) and Non-Invasive Ventilation:
Even though HFNO is less invasive, it has proven to be effective therapeutic modality for both mild-to-moderate and severe ARDS, so they are included in the same category as non-invasive ventilation with them being provided in the same context (e.g. type of ARDS) within the framework of this network. High flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) are nasal prongs that deliver humidified high concentration oxygen and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) provides positive airway pressure non-invasively without an endotracheal tube. These have a role as a bridge to avoid intubation or to provide adjuvant therapy in less severe cases. Delayed intubation resulting in higher mortality (28), but should be very careful.


5.2 Pharmacological Interventions

Corticosteroids in ARDS Management:
So far, corticosteroids received the greatest attention for their anti-inflammatory effects in ARDS. They do so by reducing the immune reaction and inhibiting expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Corticosteroids, in particular, have been demonstrated to benefit ARDS patients by decreasing the length of mechanical ventilation and improving developed population survival (29). Nevertheless, their application is controversial, as some studies produce conflicting results, and the advantages they provide can be contingent upon their route of administration and the severity of the disease.


Use of Neuromuscular Blocking Agents:
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) may be utilized to assist with mechanical ventilation and minimize patient-ventilator dyssynchrony in the most severe cases of ARDS. Use of early NMBAs, particularly within the first 48 hours of severe ARDS, has been linked to better oxygenation and may also limit the inflammatory effects of mechanical ventilation (30). Nonetheless, NMBAs can be associated with muscle weakness when used in a long term (requires careful use of NMBAs).


Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Anticoagulants:
The characteristic of ARDS is a rapid onset inflammatory response, hence anti-inflammatory agents have been studied as a possible treatment. Agents aimed specifically at pathways of inflammation, such as IL-6 inhibitors, have been useful in decreasing inflammatory load in ARDS (31). There is also a possibility that anticoagulation therapy is needed because ARDS patients are prone for higher coagulation so that is more true for patients with ARDS because of COVID-19.


Fluid Management Strategies (Restrictive vs. Liberal):
Fluid balance is an important consideration in ARDS because its overzealous treatment can lead to a hydrostatic pulmonary edema that will worsen gas exchange. Restricting fluid input in order to stay in a negative fluid balance is associated with improved pulmonary function and reduced time on mechanical ventilation (32). In contrast, liberal fluid strategies are linked to adverse outcomes due to higher extravascular lung water and oxygenation impairment.


Mechanism of Action




Reduces immune reaction, inhibits pro-inflammatory cytokines

Decreased length of mechanical ventilation, improved survival

Controversial efficacy, potential side effects

Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (NMBAs)

Muscle relaxation, reduces patient-ventilator dyssynchrony

Improved oxygenation, may limit inflammatory effects of mechanical ventilation

Muscle weakness with long-term use, requires careful monitoring

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Targets specific inflammatory pathways (e.g., IL-6 inhibitors)

Decreased inflammatory load

Potential side effects, efficacy may vary


Reduces blood clotting

May prevent thromboembolic events, especially in COVID-19 ARDS

Bleeding risk, requires careful monitoring

Fluid Management Strategies (Restrictive)

Reduces pulmonary edema

Improved pulmonary function, reduced time on mechanical ventilation

Risk of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances

Fluid Management Strategies (Liberal)

Maintains fluid balance

May prevent hypovolemia

Increased risk of pulmonary edema, impaired oxygenation


5.3 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

Indications for ECMO in ARDS:
ECMO is a form of rescue therapy for patients with life-threatening severe ARDS unresponsive to standard mechanical ventilation and other supportive treatment measures. ECMO is an artificial lung that oxygenates and removes carbon dioxide from blood outside the body and provides a rest for the lungs. Indications for ECMO in ARDS are severe intractable hypoxemia (PaO2/FiO2 ratio <80 with maximal vent settings) and near terminal biochemical hypercapnia-acidosis (33).


Benefits and Risks of ECMO:
Arguably the most important advantage of ECMO is its capacity to provide these life-saving functions of oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal in patients who would face fatal outcomes from respiratory failure. ECMO can improve survival in patients with severe ARDS, especially when administered early during the disease course (34). Nevertheless, ECMO carries substantial risks of bleeding, infection, and thromboembolic complications, which necessitates cautious patient selection and management.


Outcomes Associated with ECMO Use:
Due to technological advancements and careful patient selection, ECMO has shown to improve outcomes in ARDS over the years. Though it carries inherent risk, ECMO also provides a life-saving benefit by greatly improving chances of survival in people with severe ARDS when standard therapies donot work. Long-term results range from complete recovery to chronic respiratory dysfunction (35). To optimize outcomes, ECMO should only be utilized in specialized centers trained in its management.


  1. Complications Associated with ARDS

So-called ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) is a vital disease which can be associated with significant long-term complications even after the clinical resolution. Such complications have an effect not only on the lungs but also on other organ systems, resulting in a spectrum of deleterious effects.


Long-Term Pulmonary Complications

Development of a very serious long-term complication following ARDS is pulmonary fibrosis—a condition in which the lung tissue can become scarred and stiff. The scarring then happens, which is caused by the intense inflammatory process that occurs during ARDS and damage to the alveolar-capillary membrane (36). The generated fibrosis decreases lung compliance and gas exchange and causes chronic respiratory insufficiency. Impaired lung function is another common finding in patients even in the absence of extensive fibrosis. So far, studies have reported that most survivors of ARDS have impaired lung function, diffusion, and exercise tolerance long after ARDS has subsided(37). This may outcome in ongoing dyspnea (breathlessness), persistent hypoxemia and lowered high quality of lifetime.


Risk of Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)

ARDS frequently associates not only pulmonary complications but also multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). MODS occurs because ARDS, particularly its more severe forms, induces a generalized systemic inflammatory response that compromises other organ systems, such as the lungs, kidneys, liver, and heart (38). The more severe the ARDS and the longer the utilization of mechanical ventilation, the greater the risk of developing MODS. Patients with MODS face a higher mortality rate, and any survivor carries a long-term health burden of organ dysfunction. Acute kidney injury requiring dialysis is among the common complications seen in ARDS patients and a few survivors will progress to chronic kidney disease (39).


Psychological Impact on Patients (Post-ICU Syndrome)

Do not underplay the psychological toll of ARDS. Survivors often suffer from psychological symptoms including post-intensive care syndrome (PICS)—cognitive, emotional, and physical effects that last long after the patient leaves the ICU (40). Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and memory loss are some of the most common psychological complications. PICS can greatly impact a patients' quality of life, including the return to work or performing normal daily activities. Many survivors experience a significant deterioration in mental health because of the psychological stress of being in an ICU for a long and breathing complications caused by ARDS.

  1. Prognosis and Outcomes in ARDS

ARDS has a high rate of mortality and long-term outcomes are affected by syndromic severity, comorbidities and patient age. Post-ARDS patients have long recovery periods with difficulty in physical rehabilitation and in recovery of lung function.


Mortality Rates in ARDS

Such advances in the critical care of patients with ARDS have not been without effect, but mortality rates remain substantial, with estimates of 30% to 50% based on syndrome severity (41). Animal and clinical studies are predominantly enriched in patients with advanced ARDS, whose mortality is greater than that of those with milder forms of the disease (especially when the refractory hypoxemia cannot be improved by mechanical ventilation and other methods). In cases where ARDS is associated with multiple organ failure or sepsis, the mortality rate also rises (42). Although survival has improved over the last decades, mainly by applying better ventilatory strategies as, e.g., protective lung ventilation, ARDS remains one of the most difficult conditions to treat in critical care.


Factors Influencing Outcomes

Prognosis and Outcome in patients with ARDS are influenced by many factors. The degree of hypoxemia defining the severity of ARDS (mild, moderate, or severe) is among the most potent predictor of mortality (43). Mortality risk is markedly increased for patients with severe ARDS, defined as PaO2/FiO2 < 100 compared with those with mild ARDS.

Beyond the oxygenation measuring system, the presence of concomitant diseases may modify the prognosis of ARDS patients. Chronic diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases are common in the general population and can affect the clinical trajectory of ARDS and resultant outcomes (44). Moreover, the mortality and long-term complications are worse in older patients. In older ARDS patients, underlying age-related issues like decreased lung elasticity, reduced immune response, and an increased incidence of other chronic health conditions lead to worse outcomes.


Long-Term Recovery Challenges

The Long Hard Road While physical rehabilitation is important to regain strength and mobility, most patients suffer from long-term muscle weakness and fatigue, which can delay the recovery process (45). In addition, ARDS potentially causes lung-related sequelae, such as decreased lung volume and diffusion abnormalitiies, leading to chronic dyspnea and exercise intolerance (46).

Although some patients recover near-normal lung function within months, others have persistent lung function impairment. Long-term pulmonary outcome results as a consequence of the part of lung injury during ARDS, duration on mechanical ventilation and subsequent development of fibrosis (47). Apart from this physical complications the psychological issues like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also common among ARDS survivors which makes the recovery and quality of life of the victims even challenging.


  1. Future Directions in ARDS Research

As research into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) progresses, several promising avenues are emerging that aim to enhance understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of this critical condition. These include the exploration of precision medicine, novel pharmacological therapies, advances in stem cell therapy, the identification of biomarkers, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into clinical practice.


Potential for Precision Medicine in ARDS Treatment

Precision medicine refers to medical treatment that considers individual differences in people, the information can include genetics, biomarkers, and phenotypes respectively. Precision medicine, for instance, may help provide personalized therapy for those with ARDS based on identifying defined subgroups of patients that may respond differently to differing therapies (48). The heterogeneous nature of ARDS, including underlying pathophysiology and response to treatment might enable clinicians to target interventions that improve outcomes.


Development of Novel Pharmacological Therapies

Pharmacology has a minimal role in ARDS management and current strategies focus around supportive treatment and the use of anti-inflammatories. Nevertheless, excitement about new therapies to manipulate the immune response and repair lung injury is on the rise. Few investigational drugs like mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles and new immunomodulators show promise as they have shown ability to reduce inflammation and promote lung repair (49). Patients who do not have an adequate response on current treatments may benefit in the future from further investigation of these types of therapies.


Advances in Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Stem cell therapy represents a highly promising treatment for ARDS, by providing the capacity to regenerate damaged alveolar tissue, possibly to restore lung function. Studies have demonstrated that stem cells can often have an anti-inflammatory effect on the lungs and provide a reparative function (50). Mesenchymal stem cells — which have immunomodulatory properties — are the most widely investigated and ongoing clinical trials are underway using this form of stem cell in patients with ARDS to assess safety and efficacy. Regenerative medicine strategies may change the treatment paradigm in ARDS, especially in patients with severe lung injury or fibrosis.


Role of Biomarkers in Improving Diagnosis and Treatment Outcomes

Reliable biomarkers for ARDS serve as an important support for early diagnosis and treatment strategies. As an example, biomarkers including surfactant proteins, soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), and multiple cytokines have been suggested as beneficial to set ARDS apart from other forms of respiratory failure (51). Moreover, they may play a role in risk stratification of patients and treatment decisions, which may lead to improved outcomes and mortality reduction.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in ARDS Management

This novel integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into ARDS management offer sophisticated solutions to facilitate better prognosis and end-to-end patient care covering early diagnosis, effective treatment administration doses, and later follow-up. The capability of AI algorithms to analyze large datasets from electronic health records allows them to identify hidden patterns that help clinicians design treatment strategies based on predicted outcomes (52). Furthermore, AI can even help develop predictive models, that predict when a patient may deteriorate, which can help act fast before it is too late. With time, the integration of AI tools in clinical practice may enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of ARDS treatment as the field progresses.


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS) continues to be a challenging big medical problem and a leading cause of acute respiratory failure with high morbidity and mortality associated with this condition due to marked pulmonary inflammation. This review has elaborated on the complex pathophysiology of ARDS, including its inflammatory pathways, the injury to the alveolar-capillary membrane, and its associated mediators and cytokines. Knowledge of these mechanisms is essential to early diagnosis and tailored management of the disease. Current management for ARDS is mainly supportive, including mechanical ventilation and pharmacological treatment with corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking agents. However, treatment options are still limited, as further years have passed since this event, and efforts are ongoing to reduce late complications like lung fibrosis or psychological effects on survivors with more targeted therapies. New pharmacological treatments, precision medicine, and artificial intelligence for diagnosis and treatment strategies may offer solutions. This highlights an urgent need for further research and development in the management of ARDS. Identifying the importance of biomarkers, stem cell therapies and tailored treatments is paramount in excellence of care. Filling these gaps would perhaps lead towards effective individualized treatment strategies, eventually reducing structure for ARDS related burdens hence, the quality of life of suffering patients.

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  7. Bellani, G., Laffey, J. G., Pham, T., Fan, E., Brochard, L., Esteban, A., ... & Pesenti, A. (2016). Epidemiology, patterns of care, and mortality for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units in 50 countries. JAMA, 315(8), 788-800.
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